
Answers to all of your questions regarding minerstat's dedicated mining OS.

What is mining OS?

Mining OS is a Linux-based operating system dedicated for mining different cryptocurrency coins. It is common that mining OS is installed directly to USB flash drive or external hard drive for easier handling. Read more →

How to prepare your Linux rig for mining?

To start mining with msOS you will need to prepare your rig for mining with Linux. In majority of cases, the boot will go smoothly, but there could be some issues that can be prevented by following this guide. Read more →

How can I set up msOS?

Follow the next steps to set up msOS mining OS. gcwEcQFVDoo 1. Read more →


msOS GUI is an interface that is available from the local network and allows you faster and better navigation through the msOS. Freshly flashed drive without config. Read more →

Why is it better to flash mining OS to SSD than to USB?

Since dedicated mining OS can properly run on a single USB, miners usually go that road and pick up first UBS drive they find in a drawer. While majority of miners don't have any issues with running (any) mining OS on a USB, it is still more recom... Read more →

How to flash msOS to SSD from USB?

This help article will help you flash msOS image to an SSD. The fastest way is to flash it directly with Etcher, but if you don't have proper cables, you might need to use one of the following methods. Read more →

How to flash to a different msOS version?

If you are already running on a specific msOS version, but you would like to switch to a different version, there are two ways to do it. First, make sure that you have enough RAM available on your rig - the process requires at least 8 GB of RAM. Read more →

How to use msOS (Re)flasher tool?

msOS flashing tool, commonly referred to as mreflash, is a command line utility for Linux-based operating systems that allows for downloading and flashing msOS to your system. The tool is already built-in into msos, and on other systems you can get... Read more →

How to use SSD Flasher tool?

SSD Flasher tool is a free software that allows you faster flashing of msOS to your rigs. You can use SSD Flasher to reflash: Existing msOS rigs; Rigs with other mining OS distros; Rigs with empty drives; Pre-built rigs; Rigs that have d... Read more →

Where can I download config.js?

You can download config.js file from your worker's profile in two ways. Read more →

There is no config.js file on freshly flashed USB

You just flashed your SSD or USB disk with a new install of msos and arrive at the step of editing the config.js file, but are unable to find the file. Read more →

There is no drive letter on the flashed USB

Sometimes when you are flashing msOS to a larger USB or SSD, Windows won't automatically assign the letter to your freshly flashed USB. You can solve this in three different ways with the following methods. Read more →

msOS doesn't boot

If msOS doesn't boot after 2 minutes of waiting, then there was something wrong with the initial process. Basic check-ups It is good to do the following: Check if you are usign correct access key and worker name - if you see CHANGEME a... Read more →

msOS doesn't find GPUs

msOS will always show the GPUs that are detected by the driver - so if driver isn't detecting GPU, then msOS won't detect them either. You can do several different checks to improve detection. Read more →

Miner is not running

If your mining client is not able to run, you will see the following error message in your msOS console. Unable to start mining. Read more →

Simple Mining
My rig works on Linux but doesn't work on minerstat. What can I do?

You have created a worker, flashed an image of the OS to the drive, trying to boot it on a known working machine - but the worker doesn't come online or is stuck restarting. In this article you can see most of the available options that will help ... Read more →

How can I access msOS remotely?

There are different ways to access msOS console remotely from the dashboard. Local GUI When you are in the same local network as your rig, you will be able to access msOS GUI by opening the local IP of your rig in your browser. Read more →

How to access msOS via SSH?

You can access your msOS rig via SSH protocol with any software that allows SSH connections, such as PuTTY or Termius. To connect to your rig via SSH, use the command ssh minerstat@YOUR_RIG_IP Default username is: minerstat Default password is:... Read more →

Remote console

Originating from the term system console, which meant a device with a text input and a screen to read the replies of the system on, remote console is a Command Line Interface (CLI) which allows for the user’s input in form of text commands and o... Read more →

How to change access key or worker name on msOS?

First stop your miner with mstop command. Then to change access key and/or worker name on your msOS rig, you need to call mworker command. Read more →

SSH and Shellinabox automatically disabled on open networks

If you see the following message in your intro screen of msOS, you got SSH and Shellinabox automatically disabled by the msOS to protect you from outsiders that might try to access your msOS rig without your authorization. Warning: This machine is ... Read more →

Common msOS and Linux commands

Here is a list of most common msOS and Linux commands that you can use through the console. Note These actions are available only for msOS rigs and can't be applied to Windows Node or ASIC Hub. Read more →

Important minerstat mining OS ports

Here is a list of important msOS TCP ports that you might need for advance usage. Ports to reach minerstat and its core services 2053 80 443 5000 2083 2096 Common stratums' ports 4444 14444 5555 8888 3333 18... Read more →

How to update drivers on msOS?

Each msOS version comes with drivers version that was properly tested and prepared to work with certain GPUs. You can see the list of kernels and drivers in our msOS archive and select the version that suits you the most. Read more →

How to update kernel on msOS?

Each msOS version comes with kernel version that was properly tested and prepared to work with certain GPUs. You can see the list of kernels and drivers in our msOS archive and select the version that suits you the most. Read more →

Which WiFi devices are supported by msOS?

msOS supports any USB WiFi device that is by default compatible with Linux. Partial list of natively supported devices can be found here. Read more →

How to set up WiFi on msOS?

To set up WiFi on msOS, you will need to have local access to the rig. There are two ways you can set it up: either by using msOS GUI or directly from the msOS console. Read more →

How to set up static IP on msOS?

In order to set up a static IP on your msOS you will need to have local access to the rig. There are two ways you can set it up: either by using msOS GUI or directly from the msOS console. Read more →

What happens if there is no internet connection to the msOS rig?

It depends on how mining client developer handled such situation. Usually, the mining client will drop the connection from the pool, stop mining, and then trying to reconnect. Read more →

How to enable Tor network on msOS?

Tor network supportis currently in Beta stage. You can enable/disable it with tor-network command from the console. Read more →

How to access files on msOS mining OS?

You can access your rig from the local network and download or upload files from it and to it via SFTP. We suggest using Filezilla but you can use any other SFTP connection software. Read more →

How to access logs on msOS mining OS?

There are two ways you can download logs from msOS: either by using msOS GUI or by connecting to the msOS console. Downloading from msOS GUI You can access the GUI of the rig in two different ways, but it always needs to be from the local networ... Read more →

How to manage Octominer / Minerdude parameters via msOS?

Octominer and Minerdude devices are supported on msOS. There are several commands you can use through remote console or by sending command through worker's list' bulk commands. Read more →

How to define custom revA parameters for ETHpill?

To control ETHpill on msOS you can use mpill command which will toggle on and off the usage of ETHlargement pill. However, if you are using mixed Nvidia generation cards, you might need to define custom revA parameters for it. Read more →

How to find which GPU corresponds to BUS ID or ID displayed on minerstat dashboard?

To find which GPU corresponds to GPU listed in your hardware table on worker's profile, you can use mfind command. Command mfind will put fans of GPU you are trying to find to 100% for few seconds, so you will hear which GPU is louder than the oth... Read more →

Is there a way to turn off the GPU led lights on msOS?

If the GPU is using an open source controller, then you can turn them off with mled command. If that command doesn't work, there is no option to do that at this moment. Read more →

How to set P0 state on msOS?

On Linux (msOS) P2 is the maximum state. The main difference between P0 and P2 states on Linux is the clock offset, which means that you can get the same results as on P2 by entering higher offset values to reach the same MHz. Read more →

How to increase virtual memory on Linux?

Some algorithms (for example Ethash) require more memory for mining than others. On Windows, you can solve this by increasing the virtual memory and on our Linux mining OS we have a special command called mswap that does similar. Read more →

Can I flash BIOS from msOS?

Yes, you can flash BIOS through the msOS. For Nvidia rigs follow the Nvidia VBIOS flashing article. Read more →

Nvidia VBIOS flashing

Minerstat mining OS supports Nvidia Firmware Update Utility, version 5.414. Read more →

AMD ATIFlash BIOS flashing for RX 400/500 [Polaris]

On RX 400 / 500 AMD series minerstat mining OS supports AMD BIOS flashing with a special tool called AMD ATIFlash. Since this is an advanced tool that is not recommended for use if you don't know what you are doing, we decided to keep it at a cons... Read more →

AMDVbFlash BIOS flashing for Vega 56/64, Radeon VII, and RX 5000 [Navi]

On Vega 56/64, Radeon VII, and RX 5000 (Navi) series minerstat mining OS supports AMD BIOS flashing with a special tool called AMDVbFlash. Since this is an advanced tool that is not recommended for use if you don't know what you are doing, we deci... Read more →

How to change the boot order

In this guide we will show you how to change the boot priority option in your BIOS. First, reboot the machine and quickly press a key that will get you BIOS (for example F11 in ASRock MoBo). Read more →

How to make BIOSTAR motherboard to work on msOS?

If your BIOSTAR motherboard is causing you troubles when setting up msOS, please check if all of the following settings apply to your set up: Enable 4G Decoding; PCI-E Gen2; Enable CSM/Legacy USB; Select UEFI for Boot option. Alternat... Read more →

How to make B250 MINING EXPERT motherboard to work on msOS?

If your B250 MINING EXPERT motherboard is causing you troubles when setting up msOS, please check if all of the following settings apply to your set up. BIOS Section CSM SUPPORT: Enabled Storage Boot Option Control: UEFI Other PCI devices... Read more →

How to restore your USB to its original state?

Sometimes flashing the USB won't work or you want to use an USB that had other Linux versions flashed on. In such cases, you will need to do a full restore of your USB as simple format won't be sufficient. Read more →

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