msOS doesn't find GPUs

msOS will always show the GPUs that are detected by the driver - so if driver isn't detecting GPU, then msOS won't detect them either. You can do several different checks to improve detection.

First and foremost, create and check diagnostic report, which will show you if you have booted in UEFI and if you have internal GPU disabled. Then check if you are running viable msOS version for your mining setup. You can find all msOS versions and compatibility instructions in our archive.

Next, check if your rig applies for any of the following points:

  • Clear CMOS. You can do that by turning off PSU for 10 minutes or removing battery from motherboard for 10 minutes.
  • Plug USB to a different port that you didn't use on any mining OS before.
  • BIOS settings: UEFI / GEN2 / Above 4G Decoding
  • Validate PCI slot detection. From console you can use command: pci-realloc
  • Check PCI slot detection in your rig's BIOS (all slots must be green).
  • For Nvidia GPUs: Make sure you have 1 riser/GPU plugged to the main X16 slot. You can plug X1 riser to the big X16 slot. That is necessary for the drivers.
  • If you using LHR Nvidia GPUs update drivers with nvidia-update command as explained here.

If nothing of these settings fix your issues, double check risers, cables, and connections as these are usually the reason why GPU isn't getting detected.

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