How to flash to a different msOS version?

If you are already running on a specific msOS version, but you would like to switch to a different version, there are two ways to do it. First, make sure that you have enough RAM available on your rig - the process requires at least 8 GB of RAM.

Method 1 msOS GUI

To enter msOS GUI you can open http://WORKERNAME.local (for example, http://worker001.local) or http://WORKERIP (for example, After that, navigate to [Software] tab and select the version you want to reflash.

minerstat - msOS GUI - Reflash

You will need to confirm that you really want to reflash to this version. Process can take up to few minutes, so make sure to not interrupt it.

Method 2 msOS (Re)flasher tool

Entering mreflash command to the console will open up instructions on how to use this tool.

minerstat: Reflasher - Step 1

You can find detailed tutorial in this help article.

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