How to update kernel on msOS?

Each msOS version comes with kernel version that was properly tested and prepared to work with certain GPUs. You can see the list of kernels and drivers in our msOS archive and select the version that suits you the most. On the msOS' side, we have also introduced a manual kernel upgrade tool, that will help you switch to newest kernel version without the need to reflash your msOS. Similar, can be done for driver versions as well. Don't forget that all other regular updates (with an exception to drivers and kernels - new msOS versions) are applied to your rig automatically.

Important To use the kernel updating tool we recommend at least 8GB RAM. The update is optional and if the next boot fails, reflashing of the drive is mandatory.

Kernel update

To update kernel version on your rig, follow the next steps:

  1. Login to the console through minerstat dashboard or Termius.
  2. The command for updating kernel is kernel-update.
  3. Once you enter the command the kernel will be updated from 5.0.21 to 5.4.0.
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