How to find which GPU corresponds to BUS ID or ID displayed on minerstat dashboard?

To find which GPU corresponds to GPU listed in your hardware table on worker's profile, you can use mfind command. Command mfind will put fans of GPU you are trying to find to 100% for few seconds, so you will hear which GPU is louder than the others.

  • Example for Nvidia: mfind 0 will try to find the GPU 0 (first GPU) as displayed in your hardware table.
  • Example for AMD with ID Search: mfind 3 will try to find the GPU 3 (fourth GPU) as displayed in your hardware table.
  • Example for AMD with BUS Search: mfind 03.00.0 will try to find the GPU with BUS ID 03.00.0 as displayed in your hardware table.

If your rig is not responding to mfind command, it is probably becase drivers are crashed. In this case, you might want to first remove ClockTune profile and reboot the rig to run on stock values, then repeat the procedure for finding your GPUs with mgpu command.

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