
Browse through the most common errors and find the right solution to your problem.

Worker is offline on minerstat but appears to be mining on the pool

When you have minerstat software properly installed and your worker is mining but showing offline in minerstat dashboard and online on the pool, something broke the communication between minerstat software, minerstat dashboard, and your machine. This ... Read more →

Why is chart sometimes dropping to zero?

First of all, there's no need to panic. This may be a symptom of a problem that needs further inspection and fixing, or can be something absolutely normal and nothing to worry about. Read more →

Why does Windows rig keep restarting?

The first thing to note is do not panic — there are many reasons for a rig to be restarting, and it may take some time to diagnose, especially if a problem is only ocurring periodicaly. In that case, Triggers functionality can be a great aid, bu... Read more →

What does undetected hardware mean?

GPU rigs If your hardware is undetected it means that your mining rig didn't manage to send out data to the minerstat server about your hardware. This could be due to the node crash or you didn't start mining yet. Read more →

Coin is displayed as 'Unknown' or 'NO'

Coin can be displayed as 'NO' or 'Unknown' in two cases. A) We didn't add support for it yet In case your worker shows "NO" under the coin's name, but it is mining normally and you can see the pool on which the ... Read more →

GPU(s) displayed as Unknown

In case your GPUs are not displayed with their model name (for example, GTX 1080Ti, RX 580, etc.) do note that this is only a display interface issue and all other functionalities should work as expected. Read more →

Why has GPU sometimes temperature 511°C?

If you see drivers reporting temperature 511 °C this isn't the actual temperature of your GPU. Drivers denote a driver error with such value of temperature. Read more →

msOS doesn't detect all GPUs

If msOS doesn't detect all of your GPUs in the system, check the following. BIOS settings Set UEFI boot in BIOS Set all GPUs to PCIe GEN 2. Read more →

What to do if auto-fans aren't working?

In case auto-fans aren't working or you have set up the fan triggers and you see that the trigger was sent but wasn't applied, your GPU drivers aren't accepting fan control command.Usually, this is connected with too intense overclocking a... Read more →

Invalid user provided

If you are getting errors like Invalid user provided or Invalid wallet provided you are not mining to correct wallet address. You will need to recheck your worker's config. Read more →

Missing pool port

The pool address to which you connect for mining consists of two elements: Domain, subdomain, or IP Port These two elements are connected with the colon, like this: eu.sandbox. Read more →

Benchmark: Failed (Missing hashrate)

When you are benchmarking your cards, it can happen that some mining clients won't report the speed. In this case, the result of the benchmark for this mining client and algorithm combination will be Failed (Missing hashrate). Read more →

Error (Error: certificate has expired) Waiting for connection

If you get the following certificate has expired error on your msOS rig Error (Error: certificate has expired) Waiting for connection this means that the date and time in your BIOS aren't properly set (either they date into the past or in t... Read more →

Error: You need to load the kernel first

If you see the following error on your screen: error: /boot/vmlinuz-5.0. Read more →


If you see an error that says EHOSTUNREACH, it could be that you are having internet issues. You can quickly check if this is the case by calling netcheck command. Read more →

Nvidia 460.79 drivers not working

If you are mining on Windows and unlucky enough to install recent Nvidia drivers, then you want to use our simple NVML patcher. Usage is simple: Just close down every application/driver control panel that can use NVML, then run the . Read more →

Connect error: Connection refused

An error Connect error: "Connection refused" is usually connected with the following reasons: No internet access; DNS issues; Incompatibe mining client; IP banned by the pool; Pool is unreachable (having temporary issues); Hardware related, ... Read more →

How to solve API bind error?

Sometimes mining client will show you an output such as: API bind error TCP API bind address already in use Bind failed with error Port is busy Port already in use Failed to bind to port These errors occur when the previous mining... Read more →

Nvidia-settings: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus

If you run into an error saying that Nvidia-settings couldn't connect to the accessibility bus, it means that the driver had failed to locate the GPU. In case that you have only one GPU in the system, make sure you have plugged it to the first x16... Read more →

Unable to query number of CUDA devices

If you see an error "Unable to query number of CUDA devices" your drivers didn't detect any GPU in the system and because of that the mining won't work. There can be several different reasons for it. Read more →

Socket connection closed remotely by pool

There could be different reasons why your socket connection was closed by pool. We will list the most common ones. Read more →

Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable process

Kernel panic error that causes out of memory state and no killable process often happens to AMD GPUs that are used for mining CryptoNight variants algorithms. To fix this error, you need to do add more virtual memory to your system. Read more →

libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate

If you have Nvidia GPUs and you get libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate error on your msOS, please type mreconf in the console and the system will restore. Read more →

The semaphore timeout period has expired

If you are getting error The semaphore timeout period has expired as a response to mining to a pool, your router is probably blocking the connection to the pool. Asus routers have an option for "vulnerability protection". Read more →

GPU1: clSetKernelArg (-48) Fatal error detected. Restarting.

Sometimes PhoenixMiner will exit with the following error: GPU1: clSetKernelArg (-48) Fatal error detected. Restarting. Read more →

Unable to enum CUDA GPUs: invalid device ordinal

If you are getting Unable to enum CUDA GPUs: invalid device ordinal error, then you can try the following: Update your BIOS to the latest version. Call pci-realloc command. Read more →

T-Rex instance wasn't validated

If you run into an error saying that T-Rex instance wasn't validated it means that the miner has been unable to connect to sub-domains of, port 443. Read more →

Console: Pool error

When you see "Pool error" in your 24h logs or worker's latest activity, this can describe different issues connected to the pool, your network, or your connection with the pool. The most common issues connected to this console error a... Read more →

Console: Authorization error

If you see the "Authorization error" on your 24h logs or worker's latest activity, this means that the pool has rejected your login info. Possible reasons for rejection: Pool rejected your login due to invalid wallet address or ... Read more →

Console: Config error

The "Config error" can be found in 24h logs and worker's latest activity when the configuration of the mining client is incorrect. This can happen for a lot of different reasons as every mining client uses their own parameter structure a... Read more →

Console: Mining client error

The "Mining client error" that is shown in your 24h logs or worker's latest activity indicates that the error is connected to the mining client. The most common situtation when this error appears is when the mining client is using an API... Read more →

Console: GPU error

When you see a "GPU error" on your 24h logs or worker's latest activity there is a trouble with detecting information connected to your GPU - in some cases, you will also be able to see which GPUs are the problematic ones. We suggest ... Read more →

Console: Driver error

If you see "Driver error" in your 24h logs or worker's latest activity, the error means that there are issues with the drivers on the rig. To fix this error, check the following: Check if you have added your worker in correct ty... Read more →

Console: System message

"System message" in your 24h logs or worker's latest activity denotes the rig's last response to manual or automatic reboot, shut down, stop and start mining, or power cycle commands. It is just a notification for you to know that th... Read more →

Diagnostic: Summary - Status

The status audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with specific status: online, offline, and idle. Read more →

Diagnostic: Summary - Temperature

The temperature audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: workers with at least one GPU or board over the hot limit and workers with a... Read more →

Diagnostic: Summary - Missing data

A missing data audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: missing temperature data and missing fan data. Read more →

Diagnostic: Summary - Mining issues

A mining issue audit is part of a real-time summary section and available under the summary tab in the diagnostic. It shows the number of workers with a specific issue: missing hashrate (or hashrate speed 0 H/s) and low efficiency (efficiency sma... Read more →

Diagnostic: Profitability trend

The profitability trend is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and shows average daily earnings on your account with a profitability range (minimum and maximum peaks of estimated daily earnings; not taking offline periods in... Read more →

Diagnostic: Uptime

The uptime is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and is calculated from your global statistics data. This means that it is calculated as the ratio between data points when your rig was detected as online and the total sum o... Read more →

Diagnostic: Volatility

Same as uptime, volatility is available under the statistics tab in the diagnostic and is calculated from your global statistics data. It takes into consideration all data points with online status and is calculated as the ratio between stan... Read more →

Diagnostic: GPU temperature alerts

The GPU temperature alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de... Read more →

Diagnostic: Offline alerts

Offline alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending on h... Read more →

Diagnostic: ASIC alerts

The ASIC alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending on ... Read more →

Diagnostic: Hashrate drop alerts

The hashrate drop alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depe... Read more →

Diagnostic: Efficiency drop alerts

The efficiency drop alerts audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de... Read more →

Diagnostic: Temperature triggers

The temperature triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depe... Read more →

Diagnostic: Unresponsive triggers

Unresponsive triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined dependi... Read more →

Diagnostic: Idle triggers

The idle triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined depending o... Read more →

Diagnostic: Inactive triggers

The inactive triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined dependi... Read more →

Diagnostic: Hashrate drop triggers

The hashrate drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de... Read more →

Diagnostic: Efficiency drop triggers

The efficiency drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined ... Read more →

Diagnostic: Earnings drop triggers

The earnings drop triggers audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart for the performance of the last week. The grade is determined de... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - Driver

The console errors - driver audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small his... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - Pool

The console errors - pool audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small histo... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - Config

The console errors - config audit is available under the activity tab in diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small histori... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - Authorization

The console errors - authorization audit is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a sm... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - Mining client

The console errors audit - mining client is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small h... Read more →

Diagnostic: Console errors - GPU

The console errors audit - GPU is available under the activity tab in the diagnostic and is currently shown only if you have at least one msOS rig running. The audit shows the current grade from the data obtained yesterday and a small historical chart... Read more →

Nvidia throttling - Slowdown

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Nvidia throttling - Thermal slowdown

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Nvidia throttling - Power brake slowdown

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

Nvidia throttling - Software thermal slowdown

Thermal throttling is a state that happens when your GPU is taking too much load and starts overheating. For Nvidia 3000 series such events are quite common, so it is extremely important to have good cooling system and smart position of your GPUs. Read more →

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