Worker is offline on minerstat but appears to be mining on the pool

When you have minerstat software properly installed and your worker is mining but showing offline in minerstat dashboard and online on the pool, something broke the communication between minerstat software, minerstat dashboard, and your machine. This means that the data cannot be send to minerstat dashboard and since there is no data being received, your worker is detected and shown as offline.

The communication can be broken for various different reasons; here are just few examples that can help you troubleshoot it.


Node crash

The most common issue when this happens on msOS is node crash. This can happen due to some bottle neck in the processes or because USB is too slow to process all things. Mining client can still be a process that is running in the background, but process that is responsible for sending data to the dashboard cannot run properly.

  • Run diagnostic to see if there is something you can improve on your system;
  • Switch to SSD instead of USB;
  • Make sure you have enough space on your drive;
  • Disable logs saving on mining client's side and on msOS as this can cause the filesystem issues;
  • Make sure your CPU is suitable for processing operations on your mining rig;
  • Make sure you have at least 4 GB system RAM (recommended 8 GB);
  • Revisit your overclocking settings and ease them up to make the system more stable.

ISP or router block or DNS issues

There are cases where your ISP or router blocks the communication on a certain port or block connection to certain servers. Just as easily as connection to pool can be blocked, the same way connection to minerstat server can be blocked.

You can check your connection between your rig and minerstat servers with netcheck command.

You can also revisit your ISP and router settings. Here is one such example that can happen on ASUS routers, but there can be others as well.

If rig is unable to resolve certain addresses, then you have DNS issue. In that case, you can set and to your router default DNS.

Note Keep in mind that rig can have issues connecting to minerstat servers but can connect without issues to the pool. In such cases check if minerstat servers are working normally on the status page and if they are, you need to find the issue on your ISP/firewall/router side to solve it.

Blocked IP

In rare cases your IP can be blocked by minerstat or by Cloudflare and this is preventing you sending data to minerstat dashboard. This can happen due to the bad score you IP has on Cloudflare or if there was a violation detected from your side.

minerstat for Windows

Antivirus, firewall, Windows Defender

The most common case for Windows is when antivirus, firewall, or Windows Defender block certain services or ports for you, and thus preventing the communication. Even if you have whitelisted and/or disabled everything, there can always be a Windows update that enabled things and deleted them for you. In such cases, fresh install is sometimes required after whitelisting or disabling software.

ISP or router block or DNS issues

There are cases where your ISP or router blocks the communication on a certain port or block connection to certain servers. Just as easily as connection to pool can be blocked, the same way connection to minerstat server can be blocked.

You will need to revisit your ISP and router settings.

If rig is unable to resolve certain addresses, then you have DNS issue. In that case, you can set and to your router default DNS.

Port already in use

In some cases port can already be used by some other application that you are using on your machine. You can check if this is the case by following this article.

Team Viewer and other remote desktop software

In case you are running Team Viewer or any other remote desktop software that creates additional interface, this can interfere with your communication with minerstat dashboard. If that is the case, you can try easing your overclocking values to de-load your GPU so it will be able to run more applications.

Note: Similar issues can happen while playing games, watching videos, browsing the internet, using CPU mining, etc.

Blocked IP

In rare cases your IP can be blocked by minerstat or by Cloudflare and this is preventing you sending data to minerstat dashboard. This can happen due to the bad score you IP has on Cloudflare or if there was a violation detected from your side.



If ASIC Hub suddenly stopped communicating with your minerstat dashoard there was either a change in your local network or your ASIC machines got assigned different local IPs. You will need to recheck things that are available in this article.

Blocked IP

In rare cases your IP can be blocked by minerstat or by Cloudflare and this is preventing you sending data to minerstat dashboard. This can happen due to the bad score you IP has on Cloudflare or if there was a violation detected from your side.

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