Linux mining

While Linux is gaining popularity in the mining world, there is still a lot of miners that prefer using Windows solutions over Linux solutions. The reason behind that probably lies in the interface that Windows mining is offering, even though the goal of every miner is to run operation smoothly, without interruptions and without a need to even use the rig that is mining. But when an error occurs, it might seem that Windows offers easier troubleshooting process than Linux.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Linux mining on minerstat.

Installation process

If you compare the installation process of Windows and Linux, you can say that Windows' installation process is more intuitive as the interface guides you through the installation. Linux, on the other hand, doesn't offer step by step installation and requires a little bit of extra knowledge if an error occurs. The installation process for msOS is next:

  • Prepare USB 3.0 with at least 8GB space (preferrably 16GB) or SSD/HDD.
  • Download the image from the msOS page.
  • Download Etcher - a flashing tool that will allow you to flash the downloaded image of msOS to your USB.
  • Flash the image.
  • Unplug USB and plug it back in - cancel or decline if the system asks you if you want to format.
  • Edit the config.js file and enter your access key and worker's name.
  • Plug the USB to your rig.
  • Wait for it to finishes the booting - for the first boot, the process might take longer than usual.

Linux mining OS by minerstat has different watchdog actions integrated into the software side, so if your mining client is crashing or if you are without internet for more than 10 minutes, it will reboot on its own. The web dashboard allows you to set up triggers to customize other watchdog actions you need (e.g., reboot if the temperature is of a certain level, reboot if idle for a certain amount of minutes, etc).


When you are testing the stability, Linux mining OS is probably a better answer than Windows OS. This is mainly connected to all the Windows updates and the fact that Windows OS is intended for a personal or business use - this means that there will be Windows Defender that can turn on at any update, it can black-list the software you have previously white-listed, or it can reboot and messes your OS configs so that mining software and/or overclocking software don't start automatically. Because of that, using a dedicated crypto mining OS is a better and safer choice.


From the accessibility side both systems - Linux mining OS and Windows OS - are the same. You can use the same functionalities for msOS and for Windows node, but keep in mind that:

  • There can be different mining clients available (because some are developed only for Windows and others only for Linux);
  • There can be a difference in overclocking and undervolting settings (because Windows can have some different values to be set than Linux).


There is also a difference in price - while Linux OS is open-source and free to use, there is a license you must obtain to use Windows OS.

Linux mining hardware

Make sure that you are using GPUs that are on the list of supported hardware.

Linux mining software

The whole Linux mining software that minerstat offers is packed into a crypto mining OS that is called msOS. Here is a list of Linux mining software we support:

  • bminer
  • bzminer
  • cast-xmr
  • ccminer-alexis
  • ccminer-djm34
  • ccminer-krnlx
  • ccminer-tpruvot
  • ccminer-x16r
  • claymore-eth
  • claymore-neoscrypt
  • claymore-xmr
  • claymore-zec
  • cpuminer-opt
  • cryptodredge
  • ethminer
  • ewbf-zec
  • ewbf-zhash
  • gatelessgate
  • grinprominer
  • gminer
  • gminer-amd
  • lolminer
  • mkxminer
  • miniz
  • optiminer-zec
  • phoenix-eth
  • progpowminer
  • sgminer-gm
  • sgminer-pasc
  • sgminer-avermore
  • teamblackminer
  • teamredminer
  • trex
  • wildrig-multi
  • xmr-stak
  • xmr-stak-cpu
  • xmrig
  • xmrig-randomx
  • xmrig-amd
  • xmrig-nvidia
  • z-enemy
  • zjazz-x22i
  • zm-zec
  • serominer
  • nbminer
  • nbminer-amd
  • nanominer
  • nanominer-amd
  • kbminer
  • rhminer
  • ttminer
  • vkminer
  • xmr-stak-randomx
  • srbminer-multi
  • srbminer-multi-cpu
  • kawpowminer
  • nsfminer
  • rigel
  • onezerominer

The whole list of mining software and their versions can be found here.

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