Which mining management software is available?

Mining rigs and ASICs can be remotely managed from your minerstat dashboard. This is allowed by our mining management software that communicates with the minerstat dashboard through API. All of the software also offers some basic management that allows you to troubleshoot and set the thing up, but after the rig or ASIC is running, you can set everything up remotely.

Your minerstat dashboard is fully responsive so it works on all of your smart mobile phones and tablets as well.

GPU mining

For GPU mining we offer two types of software for rig management.

Mining OS

Linux based mining OS will be perfect for those that want to avoid Windows mining and make their mining operation stable and efficient. With all the features that web dashboard is offering, there is no problem to overclock and undervolt your GPUs, set up different watchdog triggers, or switch between different coins. To run msOS mining OS you will need at least 8GB USB (it is recommended to use 16GB). We also suggest using a 3.0 USB. Mining OS also works on SSD or HDD.

You can log in to msOS with username minerstat and password msos.

By typing mhelp, msOS will show you which functions are available to use directly from msOS.

minerstat for Windows

For Windows mining, we offer a simple Windows GUI miner that is called minerstat for Windows. You can log in to the application with your access key and worker's name and set an option to start it with Windows start. After that, a GUI miner will open where you can monitor basic data. All detailed data and commands are available on the minerstat dashboard. Note that the minerstat for Windows must be running in order to receive the commands from the dashboard.

ASIC monitoring

For monitoring of your ASIC machines the ASIC Hub can be used. Since this is a software that is installed directly on the ASIC and ASIC has no monitor or keyboard to control it, you can only manage it through the minerstat dashboard. When you do, make sure to take these things into account:

  • Some ASICs take few minutes to reboot, so everything you apply new config or reboot take this into consideration;
  • Some ASICs can be overclocked - for now this is done through the worker's config, directly from the configuration;
  • You can profit switch with ASICs on minerstat and advanced settings will help you make it as efficient as possible;
  • Usually, ASIC's config file is in the JSON format - if the JSON is broken, the config won't work.
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