Mining calculator

Beside estimated profitability tracking, minerstat also offers a mining calculator.

Mining calculator allows you to create your own datasets to which you can enter hardware with hashrate and power information from our database or edit the hardware to enter the hashrates you reach on algorithms. Mining calculator  generates a list of coins, multi-algo pools, pools, and marketplaces that are supported by these algorithms, their estimated rewards, costs, and estimated profits. You can also:

  • Enter the electricity costs and power consumption;
  • Add a power offset to take into account other components in your rig;
  • Change your currency;
  • Save and organize different types of datasets that fit your mining establishment;
  • Filter out special options such as multi-algo pools, pools, and marketplaces;
  • Explore the coin details and check historical profitability data.

Mining calculator

The estimated reward is calculated regarding the current difficulty of mining, block reward, and the current price of the coin on the market or the data that pool provides to us. Data refreshes every 5 minutes.

Where to find the hashrates for GPU mining?

For most of the hardware and algorithms we provide estimated hashrates and power consumption information, which can also be adjusted.

However, since there is a lot of algorithms available and we usually know the speeds of only a few algorithms, we have also developed a benchmarking tool that allows you to benchmark all algorithms that are eligible for your worker. Benchmark is available for everyone for free, you only need to register an account at minerstat and connect with minerstat software. You can benchmark either on Windows or Linux.

We offer a simple benchmark that will use the stratums - a free sandbox pool that allows developers and miners to test and benchmark. There is no reward generated from mining on The other option for benchmarking is advanced benchmarking to custom configs. In this case, the reward of mining goes directly to the wallets you specified in the config template.

Revolutionize your mining operation with minerstat

It's easy and free to get started. Monitor, manage, and optimize your mining rigs with our powerful platform.

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