Account security settings

Account security settings can be found in the submenu of your Settings page. It consist of three major sections: 2FA, IP confirmation, and minerstat Guard. It is recommended to set up all three of them, but while 2FA and IP confirmation are optional, only minerstat Guard is required.


To enable 2FA, you will need a mobile app for storing your 2FA keys. You can use the Google Authenticator app which is available for both Android and iOS. Here are detailed instructions.

IP confirmation

You can enable or disable the IP confirmation setting if you want or don’t want to receive an e-mail every time a new IP that wasn’t yet confirmed by you wants to log in with your access key. By default, this setting is enabled. Here are detailed instructions.

minerstat Guard

The minerstat Guard code is a code you need to enter before you are able to log in to your minerstat dashboard. You can set up dynamic or static minerstat Guard code. Here are detailed instructions.

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