How to prepare your monitoring device for ASIC Hub?

Not all monitoring devices have all necessary dependencies installed right away. To ensure that ASIC Hub will run smoothly, you can follow this guide to preinstall dependencies needed to run ASIC Hub.

You can find list of minimum and recommended system requirements for running ASIC Hub here.


Make sure to use Ubuntu 18.04 as it contains all required dependencies and repositories by default. If you are using 20.04 or newer version, you might need to add custom repositories to install the following dependencies.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes install wget curl jq dialog screen

After that, you can install minerstat ASIC Hub.

wget -O - | bash

Raspberry Pi

For Raspberry Pi, please use Raspbian Buster as it contains all required dependencies and repositories by default. Other OS versions might not work and you need to resolve dependency issues manually.

sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes install wget curl jq dialog screen

Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) requires to install 32 bit libraries to run ASIC-Hub software. In case you using Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) you can skip this step.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf

After that, you can install minerstat ASIC Hub.

wget -O - | bash


On Mac, it is required to use Homebrew. You can install Homebrew with the following command. If your terminal asks you for a password, it is asking you for your computer login password to give the system access for the installer.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core) checkout master

brew doctor

If the system response is "Your system is ready for brew", you can continue to install dependencies with Homebrew.

brew install wget curl jq dialog screen gnu-sed coreutils netcat

After that, you can install minerstat ASIC Hub.

curl -L -s | bash -s
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