How to enable zombie mode mining on lolMiner?

Developer of lolMiner introduced a zombie mode, which will help 4GB GPUs mine Ethereum-based coins with DAG size slightly above 4GB with reduced hashrate.

Zombie mode will work on Linux and Windows, but the performance has shown to be best at Linux.

Note If the DAG is too high, so zombie mode might not be solution for your 4GB cards anymore. Additionally, ETH is not mineable anymore.

How to use it?

Add --keepfree parameter to your lolMiner configuration. On Windows it is suggested to start with 56 and on Linux it is suggested to start with 5.

{ "MINERSTAT" : { "DEVICES" : "AUTO", "APIPORT" : 3333, "ALGO" : "ETHASH", "KEEPFREE": 5, "POOLS" : [ {"POOL" : "(POOL:ETH)⁣", "PORT" : "(AUTO)⁣", "USER" : "(WALLET:ETH)⁣.(WORKER)⁣", "PASS" : "x"} ] } }

If the miner boots up, then your --keepfree parameter value is suitable or a little bit too high - but it works. You can also try to adjust --keepfree parameter to make it right. LolMiner developer suggests to decrease it for 8 Mbytes - in Linux from 5 to 0 and in Windows from 56 to 48.

If it doesn't boot up, then your --keepfree parameter value was too low, and you will need to increase it by 8. Keep doing it until, your mining client boots up.

Expected hashrate

The expected hashrates for Windows and Linux for RX 580 4GB in zombie mode are the following.

Epoch Linux Windows
29th Dec 2020
24.71 MH/s
16.60 MH/s
18th Jan 2021
16.62 MH/s
10.73 MH/s
7th Feb 2021
10.75 MH/s
6.81 MH/s
28th Feb 2021
6.83 MH/s
4.41 MH/s

The estimated dates are changing all the time and are getting closer to real date as time passes. You can find current dates in our DAG size calculator and calendar.

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