How to continue after Windows Node installation?

If you are new to mining, this article will help you better navigate through minerstat after you have successfully installed Windows Node application.

1. ETC wallet

Your minerstat dashboard is always prepared to start right away and with minimum required changes. In most of the cases, there is only one change you need to apply: replace DEMO ETC wallet with your own ETC wallet.

If you have opened worker's profile (which you can do by clicking on the worker's name from the workers' list), you can see a big red notification that says that you are mining to a DEMO address. This demo address is ETC address that is used for faster and more smooth start. You cannot access the funds that are on that address.

You can change the DEMO address by navigating to Address editor › Wallets.

Click on the field besides [DEMO] and replace the demo address with your own ETC address.

Mining with GPUs that have less than 4GB RAM

If you have a GPU with less than 4GB RAM, the start won't be so easy as you will need to change the configuration to mine something else. You can take a look at RVN or ETC and follow the steps in this video.

2. Worker's profile

If you go back to the worker's profile, you are now able to see your worker's dashboard. If there is more than 10 minutes since you have started the Windows Node application, you might already see your first hashrate and temperatures chart.

On worker's profile you can see all details about your mining: hashrate, hardware, temperature, and a lot of system information that will help you keep your mining in good health. You will also be able to see the pool on which you are mining.

3. When do I get paid?

The estimated earnings that you see on your dashboard are just theoretical estimations based on data provided by coin's network. The real earnings are shown on the pool you are mining to. If you visit the pool's website, you are able to enter your wallet address and pool will show you your worker, hashrate, current balance, and estimated earnings. Pools usually pay you to provided wallet once you reach the minimum payout threshold (which is different from pool to pool - from 0.05 ETC, 0.1 ETC to 1 ETC).

4. Coin, pool, and wallet

If you didn't change configuration, you are mining ETC to default's pool by minerstat's choice. We have chosen this pool as it is good for beginners, but you can change the pool at any time you like. You can also change the coin you would like to mine, just follow the steps in this video.

Keep in mind that you cannot mine all coins with your mining setup. You also can't set up a custom payout currency as you need to follow the rules of the pool you are using for mining.

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