What to do if worker's name doesn't show up on a pool?

If you don't see your worker name on the pool and you have just started mining, then give the pool up to 30 minutes to detect a new worker and display it on its dashboard. Some pools will detect workers faster than others.

If you are already mining for a whole and you see hashrate on the pool, but pool doesn't show any workers or worker names are "undefined", then the issue is in the mining client's configuration. Some mining clients require user or wallet parameter to include worker name for some pools. In this case, you need to use advanced configuration and add .(WORKER) after the wallet tag. Here are few examples.


-pool (POOL:ETC) -coin etc -proto 2 -wal (WALLET:ETC).(WORKER) -worker (WORKER)


--algo etchash -o (POOL:ETC) -u (WALLET:ETC).(WORKER) -p x --rig_id (WORKER)


{ "pools": [ { "user": "(WALLET:ETC).(WORKER)", "worker": "(WORKER)", "url": "(POOL:ETC)", "pass": "x" } ], "no-nvml": true, "api-bind-http": "", "json-response": true, "pci-indexing":true, "retries": 3, "retry-pause": 5, "timeout": 500, "no-watchdog":true, "algo": "etchash", "exit-on-cuda-error": true, "exit-on-connection-lost": false }


{ "MINERSTAT" : { "DEVICES" : "AUTO", "APIPORT" : 3333, "ALGO" : "ETCHASH", "POOLS" : [ {"POOL" : "(POOL:ETC)⁣", "PORT" : "(AUTO)⁣", "USER" : "(WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)", "PASS" : "x"} ] } }


-a etchash -o (POOL:ETC)⁣ -u (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER) -long-format


-algo etchash -pool1 (POOL:ETC)⁣ -wallet (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)⁣ -rigName (WORKER)⁣ -rigPassword x


--algorithm etchash --pool (POOL:ETC)⁣ --wallet (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)⁣ --password x

Profit switch

You can do the same in profit switch with advanced configuration.

  1. You will need to select mining client instead of "Autoselect", then click on wrench icon to set up a custom configuration.
  2. Make sure to select correct pool and wallet tags in the custom configuration. When you are defining custom configuration, this exact configuration will be used.
  3. Under user parameter, define it with .(WORKER) add-on as shown in the above examples.
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