How to whitelist folder on Symantec?

Sometimes it happens that Symantec adds mining clients as a false positive and prevents executing the files. In this guide, we will show you how to add minerstat and mining clients to the Symantec exclusions list.

Disclaimer In any case, we strongly recommend not to use mining software on your personal computer, since not all mining clients are open-sourced. Minerstat is a professional mining software suite and it includes more than 35 different clients. It is expected to run Windows node on a dedicated Windows mining rig (and not on a personal computer). In case you are having troubles with Windows blocking your mining, we invite you to check our Linux mining OS which will bring you more stability. Minerstat software is controlled completely remotely, so you don't have to know your way around Linux to use it.

First, open Symantec by looking it up in your search bar or in the task bar of your system.

minerstat - Symantec

When you have opened Symantec navigate to Exclusions list by clicking on [Options] under Virus and Spyware Protection.

minerstat - Symantec - Open options

Select Change Settings to open window for Virus and Spyware Protection Settings.

minerstat - Symantec - Virus and Spyware Protection Settings

Under Global Settings find Exceptions and click on [View List].

minerstat - Symantec - Virus and Spyware Protection Settings - View list

Exceptions window will open up.

minerstat - Symantec - Exceptions

Click [Add] to add new exception.

minerstat - Symantec - Exceptions - Add

Then select Security Risk Exception. After choosing Security Risk Exception select one of the options (we'll continue with Folder) and select the known risks (here you can mark the items Symantec found as posing a security tool as a known risk and thus remove that item from further scans), files, folders, web domains, or file types you want to white-list. If you select one folder, the exclusion will apply to all files and subfolders within this folder. In this step, select the minerstat folder, which typically is:

Sonar When selecting a folder, you can also add a SONAR Exception for it by clicking Add > SONAR Exception > Folder
SONAR is the real-time protection that detects potentially malicious applications when they run on your computers. SONAR uses heuristics as well as reputation data to detect emerging and unknown threats. SONAR provides "zero-day" protection because it detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detection definitions have been created to address the threats.

Confirm your selection by clicking [Close] and [OK].

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