How to uninstall minerstat for Windows?

Minerstat for Windows application can be uninstalled the same way as any other Windows software in most cases, but to fully remove it there might be additional steps necessary.

Before you continue with uninstallation, make sure to first stop all the mining process and close the minerstat application.

Method #1 Windows

  1. Stop all mining proceses and close down minerstat for Windows application.
  2. Open Control panel
  3. Applications
  4. Find minerstat and double-click it or click Uninstall, then follow the prompts on the screen.

Method #2 Windows

  1. Stop all mining proceses and close down minerstat for Windows application.
  2. Run Uninstaller.exe from the minerstat folder, which is typically C:\minerstat-windows\ and follow the prompts on the screen.

Method #3 Windows

  1. Stop all mining proceses and close down minerstat for Windows application.
  2. From the windows start menu open [Settings].
  3. Click [Apps].
  4. Find minerstat, select it and click [Uninstall].
  5. Follow the prompts on the screen.

Method #4 Windows

  1. Stop all mining proceses and close down minerstat for Windows application.
  2. Open the Add or remove programs menu — you can quickly open it by pressing Windows+R and entering appwiz.cpl
  3. Select minerstat, double-click it or select it and click Uninstall and follow the prompts on the screen.

Extra Advanced removal from Windows

After doing the basic uninstall, sometimes you might want to remove the left-over files. In order to do this:

  1. Stop all mining proceses and close down minerstat for Windows application.
  2. Reboot the system
  3. Open C:\minerstat-windows and remove the contents of it
  4. Open %AppData%\minerstat-windows and remove the contents of it
  5. Open %LocalAppData%\minerstat and remove the contents of it

The %AppData% and %LocalAppData% above are shortcuts for system files specific to the current user in the windows system, you can paste these into windows explorer's navigation bar or enter them in the Windows+R menu.

If that still doesn't work, you can try to check which antivirus or defender software is blocking the uninstallation process or try deleting whole minerstat folder.

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