How to disable GPUs?

You can't disable GPUs in your mining rig through the dashboard itself, but if the mining client you are using is supporting this feature, you can use advanced configuration and disable GPUs from there.

Navigate to worker's config and to the mining client's settings. Click on [Advanced] tab and you will be able to add extra parameters at the end of your configuration


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the Phoenix mining client is: -gpus 0123456789

If you have more than 10 GPUs in your rig, the GPUs need to be divided with comma: -gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: -gpus 12

The worker's config in this case would be:

-worker (WORKER)⁣⁣ -pool (POOL:ETC)⁣ -wal (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER) -pass x -coin etc -eres 0 -log 0 -gbase 0 -proto (AUTO)⁣ -gpus 12


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the TeamRedMiner mining client is: -d 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: -d 1,2

The worker's config in this case would be:

-algo etchash -o (POOL:ETC)⁣ -u (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)⁣ -p x --eth_dag_slowdown=9 --watchdog_script=/home/minerstat/minerstat-os/bin/ --eth_no_ramp_up -d 1,2


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the T-Rex mining client is: -d 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

If you are using JSON formatting of the worker's configuration, then the following syntax is used: "devices": "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11"

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: "devices": "1,2"

The worker's config in this case would be:

"pools": [
"user": "(WALLET:ETC)⁣",
"worker": "(WORKER)⁣",
"url": "(POOL:ETC)⁣",
"pass": "x"
"no-nvml": true,
"api-bind-http": "",
"json-response": true,
"retries": 3,
"retry-pause": 5,
"timeout": 500,
"algo": "etchash",
"exit-on-cuda-error": true,
"exit-on-connection-lost": false,
"devices": "1,2"


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the Nanominer mining client is: -devices 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: -devices 1,2

The worker's config in this case would be:

-algo etchash -pool1 (POOL:ETC)⁣ -wallet (WALLET:ETC)⁣ -rigName (WORKER)⁣ -rigPassword x -devices 1,2


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the Gminer mining client is: --devices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: --devices 1 2

The worker's config in this case would be:

--pass x --algo etchash --server (POOL:ETC)⁣ --port (AUTO) --ssl 0 --user (WALLET:ETC)⁣ --worker (WORKER) --devices 1 2


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the NBMiner mining client is: -d 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: -d 1,2

The worker's config in this case would be:

-a etchash -o (POOL:ETC)⁣ -u (WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)⁣ -p x -long-format -d 1,2


The parameter for defining the GPUs that should be used in the lolMiner mining client is: --devices 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

If you are using JSON formatting of the worker's configuration, then the following syntax is used: "DEVICES": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]

Example configuration in minerstat

Let's say that you have 3 GPUs and you don't want to use your 1st GPU. The parameter needs to be defined in this case as: "DEVICES": [1,2]

The worker's config in this case would be:

{ "MINERSTAT" : { "DEVICES": [1,2], "APIPORT": 3333, "ALGO": "ETCHASH", "POOLS": [ {"POOL": "(POOL:ETC)⁣", "PORT": "(AUTO)⁣", "USER": "(WALLET:ETC)⁣.(WORKER)⁣", "PASS": "x"} ] } }
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