Do you support mixed cards rigs?

No, we don't support mixed AMD and Nvidia rigs - you can mix different models of the same brand, but not different brands.

In some cases, the mixed rig will be displayed on the dashboard and mine normally, but please note that in such cases the functionalities of the dashboard (such as overclocking, profit switch, or mining client configuration) are limited.

  • Supported: Mixing different GTX Nvidia GPUs
  • Supported: Mixing different RTX Nvidia GPUs
  • Supported: Mixing different RX 400/500 AMD GPUs
  • Supported: Mixing different Vega AMD GPUs
  • Supported: Mixing different Navi (5000 series) AMD GPUs
  • Supported: Mixing different Big Navi (6000 series) AMD GPUs
  • Limited support: Mixing different GTX and RTX combinations but since drivers are not working the best for all GPUs, you might see limitations and instability.
  • Limited support: Mixing different Polaris, Vega, Navi combinations but since drivers are not working the best for all GPUs, you might see limitations and instability.
  • Not supported: Mixing GPUs that aren't working on the same drivers versions.
  • Not supported: Mixing AMD and Nvidia GPUs

We do not plan to add support for mixed AMD and Nvidia rigs.

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