What is sentiment feedback?

Sentiment feedback is minerstat’s way to collect different feelings regarding mineable coins. There are five different feelings visitor can choose for each coin:

  • Hyped: When visitor is feeling excited about the coin.
  • Okay: When visitor has positive feelings about the coin.
  • Meh: When visitor is unimpressed by the coin.
  • Upset: When visitor is feeling resentment about the coin.
  • Afraid: When visitor is uncertain and scared of coin’s surroundings.

The voting box is available on each coin’s profile under the coin’s name.

minerstat - Sentiment Feedback - Vote

How often can I vote?

Each minerstat visitor can share their feelings about each coin once per day. Visitor can change their opinion and switch the feeling up to five timer per day.

How much is my vote worth?

Not all minerstat visitors’ votes hold the same weight, so make sure you are logged in to your minerstat dashboard before you cast your vote if you want to contribute more points.

  • 3 points: User registered through or connected with 3rd party logins
  • 2 points: User registered with confirmed e-mail
  • 1 point: Anonymous visitor of the website and users registered without confirmed e-mail

Where can I see the results?

The results of voting are visible below voting box and are displayed for each emotion separately for last 24 hours and last 7 days.

minerstat - Sentiment Feedback - Results

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