Dual mining: How to mine ETC+ZIL with T-Rex

In this guide we will show you how to set up ETC + ZIL mining via T-Rex with minerstat.

Note This guide lets you mine ZIL on one pool and ETC on another.


For this method you need a primary pool where you mine most of the time and secondary pool where you mine ZIL. We're using Ezil.me in this example.

First, open the address editor and add a new tag (POOL:ZIL) which will hold the ZIL pool's stratum address. There are several ports available, so choose one of the following stratum addresses:

  • eu.ezil.me:5555
  • asia.ezil.me:5555
  • us-east.ezil.me:5555
  • us-west.ezil.me:5555
  • cn.ezil.me:5555

Second, make sure you have a pool for ETC. In this tutorial we'll be using the already pre-defined pool, Ethermine, which will be saved under (POOL:ETC) tag.

  • asia1-etc.ethermine.org:14444
  • eu1-etc.ethermine.org:14444
  • us1-etc.ethermine.org:14444


In the next step you need to save your wallet address to your address editor. Create new tag (WALLET:ZIL) under wallets with your ZIL wallet address (starting with zil) For example: zil1wvl33k4ld3grp0qmg88fxk3mka90pg7ckrjnc3

Create another tag (WALLET:ETC) under wallets with your ETC wallet address (starting with 0x) For example: 0x03E49A6f9e87Edd5933cEF2640B9ceC1827B36A1

Worker's config

In the next step, navigate to you worker's config and select TREX as your default mining client.

Proceed to simple config, where we fill some of the settings and then proceed edit advanced config to add the ZIL mining options. You can select ETC coin, pool and wallet to test the ETC part of the configuration to make sure it works correctly. We'll be setting up advanced ETC+ZIL config below.

Simple config

For simple config we can use the regular ETC mining configuration (and actually test it before adding the zil options).

  • Coin: ETC
  • Pool: (POOL:ETC)
  • Wallet: (WALLET:ETC)
  • Password: x

Then press the pencil icon next to the generated config to transfer to the advanced config.

Advanced config

In the advanced configuration, we need to set the zil mining options. To do this, replace the } symbol in the end with , "coin": "etc+zil", "url2": "(POOL:ZIL)⁣", "user2": "(WALLET:ETC).(WALLET:ZIL)⁣.(WORKER)", "worker2": "(WORKER)", "pass2": "x"}​

These options tell the miner to try and run in dual-mining mode, mining ETC on one pool and ZIL on another. Save the config and you're good to go.

Here's an example of the complete ETC + ZIL mining config:

{ "pools": [ { "user": "(WALLET:ETC)⁣⁣⁣", "worker": "(WORKER)⁣⁣⁣", "url": "(POOL:ETC)⁣⁣", "pass": "x" } ], "no-nvml": false, "api-bind-http": "", "json-response": true, "pci-indexing":true, "retries": 3, "retry-pause": 5, "timeout": 500, "no-watchdog":true, "algo": "etchash", "exit-on-cuda-error": true, "exit-on-connection-lost": false, "extra-dag-epoch": 0, "coin": "etc+zil", "url2": "(POOL:ZIL)⁣⁣⁣", "user2": "(WALLET:ETC).(WALLET:ZIL)⁣⁣.(WORKER)⁣", "worker2": "(WORKER)", "pass2": "x"}

Now you've setup the advanced configuration. Most of the time, the miner is going to be mining the main coin on the main pool you've selected and will switch to mining ZIL on ZIL pool once the round for it comes, switching back when it's over. You should be able to see your worker on your ETC pool if you input your ETC address into it's miner lookup bar, and on the ZIL pool if you input your ZIL address into it. However, the ZIL pool will only count and show shares for ZIL rounds.

You can also add an option to keep the ZIL DAG file in memory (which allows the miner to not need to re-generate it each time the ZIL round comes). To do it, replace the } in the end of the config with , "extra-dag-epoch": 0}. Keep in mind that this option will use 1 more GB of VRAM on each card, so it may be not possible to use on some cards.

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